Joyful Tour & Travel


Arrive at Ngurah Rai Airport. A tour operator will meet you and help you to check-in at the Hotel. After taking a rest and relaxing for a while, the tour is going to begin.

Our tour begins from Tegal Alang, which is well-known for its stunning view of paddy rice terrace on the slopes across the valley. 
Tegal Alang

You should taste the most famous civet coffee in Bangli. In its original place, its price is only USD 3.
Bangli is famous for its Civet Coffee.

Our tour continues to Kintamani featuring awesome views of Lake and Mount Batur. 
Mt. Batur
Lunch time arrives. We stop in at the Batur Sari Restaurant for lunch while enjoying the natural beauty of Kintamani.
The Restaurant with Mt. Batur view.
Our tour does not complete if we do not visit Tirta Empul temple and its purifying holy water. This place is also famous for Tampaksiring palace.

Our next stop is Elephant Cave, which is enclosed by shady forest. The legend says, this sanctuary was a sacred hermitage place. 

First-day tour will end with dinner in the Nasi Tempong Indra" Restaurant and, then, you will be transferred to the hotel.